We Love And Need The Rain, And We Get A Lot Of It. But Sometimes, Rainwater Seeps Or Drips Into Places It Should Not.

One of our jobs as plumbers and sewer technicians is to keep water flowing. We advise homeowners on how to maintain clean drain lines and allow water to flow free of obstructions. This is important in our homes, and in the streets and neighborhoods of our city.

Rain Water

All water tries to flow back to the sea. We contain the water we want, in water tanks, rain barrels, and trees. We let the water we don’t want flow back to its origin. Unfortunately, we can inadvertently block water’s progress by creating clogs in the pathways and pipes, and by paving over large areas.

Storm drains and catch basins collect rainwater and direct it to local streams and Puget Sound. In Seattle, many pipes also direct stormwater to the wastewater treatment plant, where it combines with our wastewater.

How to Keep it Flowing

Letting water flow freely sounds easy, but it takes diligence. Here are ways to let rain return to the sea without pooling in your yard, driveway, or basement first:

  • Clear leaves and debris away from storm drains in your street. Functioning storm drains are critical to minimizing local flooding.
  • Don’t pour anything into storm drains. Only rain down the drain.
  • Plant water-loving trees and shrubs in your yard. Give rainwater someplace to go.
  • Install French drains to direct the water flow away from your home’s foundation.

Drain Water

Drain lines carry wastewater from your home, through the city pipes, and to the wastewater treatment plant. Slow drains indicate a blockage somewhere in the line. If you clear a clog in your drain line, it breaks up and flows downstream, into the city pipes. These can get clogged too. Clogged pipes can result in backups in your basement or street.

How to Keep it Flowing

Our wastewater treatment plants depend on homeowners to keep drains clear. Don’t make workers pull garbage out of the drains before the wastewater process.

There are many ways to keep your house drains flowing, including:

  • Don’t flush anything down the toilet except the four Ps: pee, poop, paper (toilet) and puke. The toilet is a large drain.
  • Reduce fats and oils in drain lines – put these in the garbage or yard waste instead.
  • Use screens on sink and tub drains to collect debris and prevent it from going down the drain.

Raymark Plumbing & Sewer can help you keep drain lines clear, inside and outside your home. It is our job to contain water where you want it and to keep the water flowing where it should.

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