A Hose Bibb Is An Outdoor Faucet Designed For Use With A Garden Hose.

Remove Garden Hoses in Winter

Every winter we remind our customers to remove their garden hoses from their hose bibbs. Doing so will help prevent water pipes from freezing. But it is a common misperception that a frost-free hose bibb doesn’t need the hose removed. Unfortunately, that is not true. All hoses need to be removed in the winter to protect your pipes and the hose bibb from freezing.

You might wonder why you would want to purchase a frost-free hose bibb if the pipes can still freeze? The answer is that a frost-free hose bibb is designed to protect the pipes when the hose is removed. The bibb has a long stem, extending from the inside water pipe to the outside faucet. Since this long stem is inside the house, and that is a warmer location in most instances, it can protect the hose bibb and the pipe from freezing.

When you shut off the hose bibb, the water is stopped further down the stem, away from the freezing temperatures. Removing the garden hose removes any water lingering in and around the outside faucet. This also removes any water trapped inside the hose.

Avoid Damage

Leaving the hose attached to the hose bibb means water can sit inside the faucet and inside the hose and both can freeze. Water expands when frozen, resulting in a burst pipe, a burst hose bibb, and/or a burst hose.

If you have not done so already, remove your garden hose from the hose bibbs at the front and back of your home. Let the hoses drain and then put them away for the winter in a tool shed or garage. You’ll be glad twice –once this winter when your pipes are protected, and again in the spring when your hoses work well.

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